from friday 8 till mercoledì 20 novembre 2024
Alfabeto Astratto
Art & photography
‘Alfabeto Astratto’ (Abstract Alphabet) is the title of the exhibition to be held in L'Aquila at the Palazzo dell'Emiciclo, seat of the Abruzzo Region Council Presidency, from 8 to 20 November 2024. The exhibition was commissioned by Dr. Chiara Immordino, President of the Mundilive Placido Immordino Foundation, who wanted the Artistic Director Miguel Gomez, former Art Director of the Bibart Biennale of Contemporary Art and Director of the Museum of Colour Pigments and the Santa Teresa dei Maschi Art Centre in Bari, the curator Michela Barausse and Maura de Meo, President of AIACM (Italian Association for Art and Culture of the World), at her side.
‘Alfabeto Astratto’ is an exhibition that unites and explores the expressive diversity of contemporary art. Art as a sprout of sharing, encounter/confrontation. It is history that the greats of the 20th century were all born within movements in which artists constantly confronted and clashed. Unfortunately, after the 1960s, the idea of the individualist artist, a personality isolated from all others, favoured and supported by the new laws of the market and consumption that have nothing to do with the culture of the human soul, became increasingly strong. Alfabeto Astratto is a heterogeneous group of artists each with their own vision, a journey through the entropic kaos of diversity, ‘in a system at rest there is no spontaneous drive for change’. entropy is a measure of the chaos that reigns in physical systems through an infinity of possibilities, just as art is in its continuous flow of expressions, emotions, states of mind. But ultimately what is art? A 16th century painting, a tribal sculpture, a child's drawing, a blank sheet of paper, a performance, an upside-down canvas? Can anything be considered art? This is a dilemma that is difficult to solve when one is faced with a work that expresses a concept, an emotion, a chromatic vibration. A work of art acquires meaning if it is placed in relation to the artist who creates it and to the one who looks at it, a human dimension, the one who goes to meet the other man, the one who frees his soul and gives voice to it, Alfabeto Astratto is not just an exhibition it is ‘a thought in freedom and of freedom’. On display from 8 to 20 November 2024 are works by: Anja Kunze, Miguel Gomez, Carmen Toscano, Dino Ventura, Giuseppe Roma, Domenico Morolla, Giuseppe Toscano, Nilde Mastrosimone de Troyli, Giuseppe Ruscigno, Giuseppe Bertolino, Graziella Giunchedi, Simona Bonini, Tiziana Stocco, Iryna Ostapyuk, Anna Seccia, Matteo Ferretti, Claudia Bisson, Ivano D'Annibale, Stroux, Marco Bettocchi, Angelo Tasini, Emanuel Fortunati, Oriana Papais, Saverio Barone, Leonardo Votlea Sebastiani, Ringo of Dakar, Anna Diop.
from friday 8 till mercoledì 20 novembre 2024
City: L'Aquila (L'Aquila)
Venue: Palazzo dell'Emiciclo
8 novembre at 18.00/20,00 10.30/13.00 16.00/19.00
free entry