GRIMILDE E BEATRICE di e con Monica Contini
*reading in two parts*
by and with **Monica Contini**
A symbolic figure, the wicked stepmother who hates Snow White because she is younger and more beautiful than her and therefore tries in every way to cause her death.
A woman of somewhat advanced age, whose past beauty begins to fade, who struggles with the relentless passage of time and cannot accept the withering of youth. She enters into conflict with young women with whom she competes in an unfair and undoubtedly losing competition.
A woman of our times, clinging to the "truths" of a computer to discover she is the fairest of them all, just as she once did with the magic mirror. A cheeky, grotesque depiction filled with bitter irony, at times very funny and at times moving, of a type of woman experiencing profound loneliness. Their inability to find serenity and beauty in the moment they are living leads them to believe that the only happiness lies in the futile attempt to cling to a flourishing past, resorting to cosmetic touch-ups of dubious success, the only result being a poor surrogate of lost youth.
This is an irreverent portrait of Beatrice Portinari, Dante Alighieri’s beloved. A female figure suspended between past and present. A young and amusing girl of our times, living trapped in the Middle Ages, forced to comply with ancient and restrictive rules. Her vitality, her irony, and her youthful impulses clash with the times she lives in. We witness youth in all its beauty exploding and having to deal with reality, particularly since this "youth" belongs to a woman. Ultimately, it's about the condition of women, who still have a long way to go to finally achieve true independence and equality. When it will no longer be necessary to discuss gender quotas, gender equality, femicide, etc. It will no longer be necessary because it will be overcome and everyone will be equal, truly equal, in the face of the passage of life, for better and for worse.
**Monica Contini**
In 1981, she was among the founders of the Teatro Kismet company. Her journey began in '79 with the master and director Carlo Formigoni. In the following years, she deepened and refined her acting skills by meeting many masters, including Alain Maratrat, John Murphy, Michel Seigner, Albert Jaton, and many others.
Over the years, she collaborated as an actress with various directors, including Maratrat himself, Marco Martinelli, Martin Duncan, Teresa Ludovico, Lucia Zotti, Damiano Nirchio, Vito Signorile, Licia Lanera, etc.
Since 2006, she has worked as a film actress with various directors, including Ricky Tognazzi, Alessandro De Robiland, Catherine Hardwicke, Michele Placido, Guido Chiesa, Fabrizio Costa, Pippo Mezzapesa, and many others.
**📅 Friday, February 28, 2025**
👉 doors open at 8:30 PM - evening starts at 9:30 PM
😋 you can enjoy the wait with wine or beer and sandwiches from our bar
🎟 ENTRY BY FREE WILL DONATION - membership card required
*‼️ Entry to Retroscena is only allowed to members of Casarmonica/Retroscena. The annual membership contribution is €10, and it allows you to participate in all events organized by Casarmonica and Retroscena: meetings, concerts, workshops, tournaments, film clubs, laboratories, and much more.*
City: Ceglie Messapica (Brindisi)
Venue: Retroscena
Venue: via Beato Angelico, Ceglie Messapica
apertura porte at 20.30 - inizio serata at 21.30
members only entry