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Choral reading by Luca Crastolla, Lucia Cupertino, Maria Grazia Palazzo, and Giovanni Laera, with musical interludes by Elena Crastolla.
This evening is dedicated to a reading by four poets who live in our territory, interspersed with the valuable musical contributions of a young guitarist. Luca Crastolla, Lucia Cupertino, Maria Grazia Palazzo, and Giovanni Laera have different life stories, writings, and even languages (in fact, some write in dialect and some are bilingual), yet they are all united by the search for paths and roots to trace or rediscover, for an exploration with language to uncover, in the routes of daily life, the words to recount it to others. The uniqueness of this event is that it will not be a classic reading, but rather a choral reading focused on listening, first among the poets themselves and then shared with the audience. Be there to be a part of it. We have an increasing need to create moments of meaningful sharing, and why not do it on the wings of poetry and music.
Luca Crastolla (Fasano, 1974). His first collection is L’ignoranza della polvere (Controluna Edizioni, 2018). In 2019, the unpublished work Trittico da un cammino lucano was accompanied by a reading note by Alfonso Guida. In 2022, his unpublished works were collected in I cieli della preistoria - an anthology of the newest Apulian poetry curated by Antonio Bux, and he published the plaquette Le sorti dell’incanto with Gattogrigio, from which, in 2023, the theatrical piece Scenari DiVersi was derived, directed by Cristina Bevilacqua and Anthony de Rosa. His next collection, L’indole del Tarlo, will be published by Delta3 edizioni. Several of his texts have appeared in magazines such as "Inverso," "Avamposto," and "Atelier," as well as in the Greek magazine "Extirion" with a translation by poet Sotirios Pastakas.
Lucia Cupertino (1986). Writer, translator, and cultural anthropologist. She has lived for over ten years in various Latin American countries. She writes in Italian and Spanish. She has published: Mar di Tasman (Isola Series, Bologna, 2014), the bilingual anthology Non ha tetto la mia casa / No tiene techo mi casa (Casa de poesía, San José, 2016), the short stories book I rituali dell’addio (L’Erudita, Giulio Perrone Editore, Rome, 2023), and the poetry collection Dall’altra parte di una cicatrice (Seri editore, Macerata, 2024). Part of her work has been translated into English, Chinese, Bengali, Polish, and Albanian.
Maria Grazia Palazzo was born in the Itria Valley, in Martina Franca (Ta) in 1968, and has lived in Monopoli (Ba) since 2006. She has a background in humanities, law, and theology. She has published Azimuth (Lietocolle, 2012); In punta di piedi (Terra d’Ulivi, 2017), Andromeda (I Quaderni del Bardo, 2018), Toto Corde (La Vita Felice, 2020), Stanza d’anima (Collettiva, 2022). She has also published in various anthologies, including prose. She participates in events and collaborates with cultural and artistic contributions, both in person and online.
Giovanni Laera (born November 12, 1980), originally from Noci, lives and works in Bari. He holds a Ph.D. in Italian Linguistics and is the author of several books and articles on the lexicon, onomastics, and folklore in Apulo-Bari dialects. He has published two volumes of poetry: Fiore che ssembe (Pietre Vive, 2019) and Maritmie (Marco Saya, 2023). Notable anthologies featuring his work include I cieli della preistoria. Antologia della nuovissima poesia pugliese (Marco Saya, 2022) and Poesia dialettale oggi. Voci dalla Puglia (Carabba, 2024). He is the editor-in-chief of "Avamposto – rivista di poesia".
City: Polignano a Mare (Bari)
Venue: Associazione Con.Fusione
Venue: Via V. Lepore,9
7:00 pm
free entry
Info. 3398011152